13519 W. 130th Street
North Royalton, OH 44133
Phone:440-582-0304/ Fax:440-582-8094

Chemical Manufacturing Processes

Too often the greatest loss of corporate revenue is the direct result of mishandling hazardous chemicals. ACITEC's extensive experience in chemical manufacture and handling allows us to custom design a process which will decrease your handling costs, provide a safe environment for your employees, and improve profitability. Our experience includes:

Hydrofluoric Acid & Fluorides

  • Manufacture, purification, storage & handling of hydrofluoric acid & fluoride chemicals
  • Design requirements & materials of construction for equipment & secondary containment
  • Safety regulations for the storage, shipment & usage of HF

Specialty Chemicals

  • High purity
  • Industrial grade
  • Food grade

Flammable & Combustible Liquids

  • Storage
  • Processing/Handling
  • NFPA Code Reviews


13519 W. 130th Street
North Royalton, OH 44133
Phone: (440) 582-0304
Fax: (440) 582-8094